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Domestic Departures

Flight Schedule - With effect from 27th, October, 2024 till 29th March, 2025

Updated on: 27th December, 2024
Surat Airport Flight Schedule - Domestic Departures

User Alert!

Prior to the journey please check with the Airline, Airport for latest operational updates & travel protocols & Flight updates for the boarding & the end destination.
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The above Time Table has been compiled based on Flight Schedules published by the Airlines , as required of a Scheduled Operator. For Airline wise detailed Flight Schedule click here.

Please note despite a detailed schedule announced weeks in advance, intermittent changes are very likely to happen & it is subject to changes as per the Airlines and approvals by the Regulatory Authority.


ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK with the respective AIRPORT AUTHORITY &/or the concerned AIRLINE that you are flying with for REAl TIME updates. The information provided here should be considered as a source for ready reference

Utmost care is taken too provide Correct & Up-to-Date information however, any errors or ommissions are sincerely regretted and the users are encouraged to CONTACT US to report any such lapse.

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Travel Advisory Notes:

Security-check timinigs & Baggage Policy: 

Most Airports & Airlines follow the 2 hours drill - 30 minutes for Boarding pass & Baggage Check-In, 45 minutes for security check & 45 minutes for Boarding & Gates close, prior to the flight departure time. While the Gate-Close timing is stringently followed by the Airlines with no exceptions made after the last 45 minutes time-slot is missed out; the 45 minutes time-slot is an average requirement for security-check and may vary in duration at different times & at different Airports.

For International flights the drill is extended up by 3 to 4 hours prior to flight departure time, keeping in mind the additional time required for the mandatory Customs & Immigration checks. 

Please refer to the specific requirements and announcements made by the Airport & Airlines, from time to time and flyers are advised to strictly adhere to them for their Check-In times & Baggage Policy. 


Althought the transportation facilities are constantly improving at the Airport with the increase in flight frequency and a larger footfall of passengers: however there is a very price prohibitive and unreliable service available at the airport for transportation for immediate need on landing at the Airport and to an extent, the same applies for reaching to the Airport from distant locations.

In the given situation it is best advised that prior travel arrangements, with proper due diligence, is made with the service providers to avoid any surprises & inconvenience. 

BRTS/SITILINK bus services is Now Available with limited frequency as per Flight Arrival Schedule. It picks up passengers from LHS of the Arrival Gate and drops till VR Mall ("Y"Junction) on Dumas Road. Passengers can change Bus here to connect with the rest of the city. 

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